Storyteller Jewelry is our newest sponsor for the Enchanted Eyes Blogmania giveaway event! I love the piece that they are offering for the giveaway, check it out!

Here's what Storyteller Jewelry says about the piece: "JEWELRY YOU CAN READ: This tiny, wearable book is pure magic from cover to cover. The front is decorated with a golden pegasus flying past a new moon. The pegasus is set with a 5mm frosted glass cabachon that seems to glow from within. The moon is set with a simulated fire opal that is as luminous as the real thing.
But there's more. Open the book and there's a story Inside for you to read. The story is called Dream Wings. I wrote it as a childrens's story, but it has become one of my more popular adult tales. Dream Wings is about a girl who has wings in her dreams, and how she learns the difference between hiding in her dreams and sharing them.
TECHNICAL STUFF: The book is made of steel with a gold/ox finish. The other metal elements are brass with a gold/ox finish. The frame is lined with hand-painted paper. The story inside is printed on linen paper. All metal parts are drilled through and riveted together."
Once there was a girl who had a beautiful pair of wings. But only when she was dreaming. This girl lived with her Great Tribe Family in a beautiful forest filled with trees and animals and sunlight. But she did not care because she was awake.
Every day the girl could not wait for night to come so she could crawl into bed and close her eyes. The moment she was asleep the girl would open her dream eyes and and look around. She would find herself standing in a dream forest. It looked so real that the girl would sometimes wonder if she was still awake. But then she would feel a tingling in her shoulder blades. And she would look over her shoulder and there they would be. Her wings.
They were beautiful. You could see them and you could see through them, they were that fine. They were made out of light but they moved like water, like they had been poured into the air from a bowl of moonlight.
And just the way your feet will sometimes say to you, “Dance! Dance!” her wings would say to her, “Fly! Fly!”
The girl would leap into the air and she would fly all night long, high above the dream trees, even the oldest, tallest dream trees. She would fly so high that her beautiful wings would brush against the clouds.
“I am never going to wake up,” the girl would think. “I am never going to stop flying.”
Take a look through all the wonderful items Storyteller Jewelry offers including different
Miniature book jewelry and
Envelopes of Light.
Come back Sept 15 12:01am - 11:59pm Sept 16 EST to enter the giveaway!