Welcome The Haunted Studio Under the Stairs to our Enchanted Eyes Blogmania giveaway event! The Haunted Studio Under the Stairs offers art work and high quality canvas cloth prints.
They are offering an 2.5" X 3.5" ATC (Artist Trading Card) ACEO of The Thing in the Hallway.

Info about the item from Kevin:
"There is nothing more disconcerting than hearing good bone chilling, frightening stories of hauntings, spooks and specters and things that go bump in the night than when it comes from a good and reputable person, or persons, who give extraordinary credence to their ghostly tales and visitations. And in this case, I draw from the tales my wife and her sister have theatrically and dramatically narrated to me, as they, as children, once lived in an old home, these lodgings unique in that they once had been a funeral home. From their accounts of frightening ghosts and haunting I give you this illustration and setting of a short story I am working on, to let your imagination embark on your own ghostly adventure as you rise from your bed to set off to the kitchen by amber lamplight for a drink of water in the dark of night in your own comfortable home. I also impart upon you this simple wisdom. Never, ever live in a home that was once a funeral parlor across from a cemetery."
Check out more great art at the Etsy shop and follow The Haunted Studio Under the Stairs at blogspot.
Save the date to enter the Blogmania giveaways: Sept 15 12:01am - 11:59pm Sept 16 EST.