Sunday, January 1, 2012

In My Mailbox (65)

Happy New Year everyone!  Lookie at what my boyfriend made for me - new IMM artwork for the blog.  He's so awesome!!  You can check out his website for more of his artwork.

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme run by The Story Siren which explores the books that have been delivered to our mailbox. Let us know what looks good to you and leave us a link so we can check out what you got over the week. 

For Review

 The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry

She tells all: Sometimes to get to heaven, you gotta go through hell by Judah Lee Davis

Winter's Kiss: The Ex Games; The Twelve Dates of Christmas (Romantic Comedies) by Jennifer Echols and Catherine Hapka

Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos by R.L. LaFever (Thanks Small Review!)

Pandora's Key (The Key Trilogy) by Nancy Richardson Fischer

Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan

The Flying Beaver Brothers and the Evil Penguin Plan (Flying Beaver Brothers (Quality Paper)) by Maxwell Eaton III

 House of Night comic, issue #1

The Occultist comic, issue #1

Divergent by Veronica Roth

What would you read first?
Leave us a link to your IMM, we'd love to drool over your reads!

Thanks to Penguin Paperbacks, Random House Kids, Dark Horse, Abrams, authors, and bloggers for this weeks books!

Don't forget to enter our huge follower giveaway it ends tonight!


  1. Great mailbox, I've heard good things about The Peculiars. Here's mine

  2. Nice! All those are new to me. Hope you enjoy em all!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day and Happy New Year!

    Old Follower :)

  3. great mailbox! :) happy new year!

  4. Love the IMM artwork, he's pretty talented! If you haven't read Divergent yet, go do it. NOW.

    ComaCalm's Corner

  5. Winter's Kiss looks so cute! I love how S&S is re-doing the bind ups.


    Happy New Year!

  6. If you have not read Divergent yet, then I must say you are (likely) in for a treat. I absolutely loved that book! Anyway, Happy New Year!

  7. Divergent was excellent. I think it's one of my favorite books of the year.

    My Goodie Bag/IMM Post

  8. Divergent is a fabulous book! I hope you enjoy it!

    Also, how sweet of your boyfriend to make you an IMM banner! :)

    Nerd Girls at Books to the Sky

  9. Everybody keeps telling me to read Divergent and i really want too! I hope you enjoy everything. Come check out my IMM!

  10. Love the new IMM button!! Your boyfriend does cool work! I'd read either, The Peculiars, Theodosia or Divergent. I know that doesn't pick one but it narrows it down. Great mailbox!!


  11. I really need to read Divergent. It pops up everywhere I look, and I have a copy on my shelf, but I STILL haven't gotten to it!

  12. Great haul there. I love your boyfriends artwork, it is really good.

    Mines at

  13. Awesome looking haul! These are mostly all books I haven't heard of, so whoo-hoo for new stuff! You always get the most interesting books.

    My IMM

  14. Wow. Your IMM pic is great. Love the artwork. I haven't heard of any of these books, but I will have to look into them.

    My IMM: Jennifer@Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

  15. Divergent is AMAZING! You are going to love it! And the Ex-Games by Jen Echols made my cold heart melt, lol. I'm so glad they created this little combo pack with Winter's Kiss. The cover's gorgeous!

    Happy Reading!


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