Sunday, February 13, 2011

In My Mailbox (32)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme run by The Story Siren which explores the books that have been delivered to our mailbox.

For Review
The Miles Between The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson

A Discovery of Witches: A NovelA Discovery of Witches: A Novel by Deborah Harkness

Soul in LoveSoul in Love by Vone Savan

Hex, A Witch and Angel TaleHex, A Witch and Angel Tale by Ramona Wray

Secrets of the Magical Medallions: The Treasure Hunters Club Book 1Secrets of the Magical Medallions: The Treasure Hunters Club Book 1 by Sean McCartney

Before I Go To Sleep: A Novel by S.J. Watson

A Long, Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan

See anything you like?  Leave us a comment and a link to your books so we can drool over your haul!


  1. Ive never heard of these...but now I need to go look them up! :) Some of those covers are very pretty! Here is my IMM:

  2. Ooh, great books this week! Happy reading. =)

  3. I recently heard about Soul in Love and A Discovery of Witches. Both sound pretty interesting. Hope you enjoy all your books this week! :)

  4. Great reads! Discovery of Witches seems to be a surprise hit. I'm curious about it.
    My IMM

  5. These are new titles to me as well. Def going to check them out to Amazon. Enjoy your goodies. Happy Reading!


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