Sunday, November 14, 2010

In My Mailbox (26)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme run by The Story Siren which explores the books that have been delivered to our mailbox.

For Review

The Book of Tomorrow: A Novel The Book of Tomorrow: A Novel by Cecelia Ahern

Empire State: A Love Story (or Not) Empire State: A Love Story (or Not) by Jason Shiga

The Emerald Atlas (Books of Beginning) by John Stephens (cover not available)


Cold Pursuit Cold Pursuit by Carla Neggers

We'd love to see what you received over the past week.  Leave us a comment and link below to your In My Mailbox so that we can visit!


  1. That Cecelia Ahern book looks good. I loved PS, I Love You and I've been meaning to try her other books. Hope you enjoy it!

  2. Great reads! I read Cecelia's first book years ago and really liked it.
    My IMM

  3. I had really high expectations for The Book of Tomorrow but I don't think it was as good as some of her others. Love the cover for Empire State. Happy Reading!

  4. I have read a few of Carla Neggers that I have liked! Great post this week, mine is here:

  5. You got some pretty cool books to review this week :) Happy reading.

    You can find my mailbox at The Bookish Snob

  6. Saw the blog name so had to come... You know it ... see "book sake" and misread it in my head for "book sale"... you did that on purpose.. I so know it ;P

    Nice selection of books and hope they turn out amazing.

    Mailbox is up on Aisle B so come on by for my little loot.

  7. I'm a new follower! You have a nice selection this week. Mine was a little sad lol! but its my favorite.

  8. I haven't seen Empire State before - I will have to check that one out!

    I hope you enjoy your books!

    Julie (Manga Maniac Cafe)

  9. Good selection. I haven't read a Carla Neggers book in a while. This one looks interesting! I'm your newest follower. Drop by if you get a chance to see my list.

  10. I've only read one book by Ahern and I really like it---Thanks for the Memories. I can't wait to hear how this one is! Enjoy your books!


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