Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday (31): Season of Secrets

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Season Of SecretsThis week's pre-publication "can't-wait-to-read" selection is Season Of Secrets by Sally Nicholls.  It's due out on January 1, 2011 from Arthur A. Levine Books.

Book Description
The next novel from Sally Nicholls, author of the critically acclaimed WAYS TO LIVE FOREVER

Molly and Hannah have just lost their mother, and while Dad "figures things out", they're sent to stay with their grandparents in a quiet country town. Everything is different: there are only ten kids in their entire school; they have to walk home by themselves every day; and a phone call from Dad just isn't the same as a hug. In fact, they're not even sure when, or if, their dad will be back for them. (cont'd)

One night Hannah decides to run away, and Molly follows her out into the storm. Suddenly, Molly is surrounded by dogs and strange men on horseback, and they're all chasing a man in the road. Molly rushes to find someone to help him, but when she returns, he's nowhere to be seen. She finds him again the next day, and he's badly injured. As he heals, Molly befriends him and realizes that there's something magical about him. He can make a flower blossom in the palm of his hand; he can make a sapling grow in the dead of winter. Molly wants desperately to figure out who he is and just how much power he has. If he can make the trees come to life again, is there still hope for Molly's mother?

Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section!


  1. That sounds interesting! Do you think it would be a middle grade book or a young adult? My WoW is Across the Universe by Beth Revis. Happy reading while you wait!

  2. Sounds very intriguing. I hadn't heard of this one. Great pick!

  3. This sounds really good, and the cover is gorgeous! Nice pick!

  4. This sounds good, thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow a great sounding story and one I have not heard of. I love it when I find new titles like this. Thanks!

  6. Ooh this sounds really good! But the cover kind of creeps me out lol!

    Check out my WoW :D

  7. Sounds intruiging

    I am just WOWing over the cover of Janet Fox’s new book, Forgiven, check it out on my blog!
    Gabrielle Carolina

  8. This sounds like an interesting story. Wonder if the mysterious man's magical abilities include necromancy...

    - Violet @ The Eager Readers

  9. I like the look of this one! A modern-day fairy tale! Great choice!

  10. Good book. Hey, could you visit my blog?
    p.s I expect you to 'follow' it as well :D


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