Sunday, September 12, 2010

In My Mailbox (18)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme run by The Story Siren which explores the books that have been delivered to our mailbox.

Revolution  Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly
Black Metal Volume 1 (v. 1)  Black Metal Volume 1 (v. 1) by Rick Spears and Chuck BB
The Ride Volume 1 (New Printing) (v. 1)  The Ride Volume 1 (New Printing) (v. 1)by Cully Hamner, Chuck Dixon, Ron Marz, and Doug Wagner

The Ride Volume 2 (v. 2)The Ride Volume 2 (v. 2) by Doug Wagner, Brian Stelfreeze


  1. Revolution was so interesting, an amazing historical read. I hope you enjoy it, and all the rest of your books!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading Revolution. I'll be interested to hear what you think about it!

  3. Good set. I've always wanted to read a Jennifer Donnelly book.
    My IMM

  4. I haven't seen some of these books before, but they look interesting.

  5. My son would LOVE the Field Guide to Monsters; I believe I already have it on my Good Reads list, but now I'll have to check. What a good week for you! Enjoy the reads!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries


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