Sunday, January 15, 2012

In My Mailbox (66)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme run by The Story Siren which explores the books that have been delivered to our mailbox. Let us know what looks good to you and leave us a link so we can check out what you got over the week. 

For Review
Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen (Already read and loved!)

The Orphanmaster by Jean Zimmerman (No Cover Available)

Revealing Eden (Save the Pearls Part One) by Victoria Foyt

Robbie Forester and the Outlaws of Sherwood St. by Peter Abrahams

Life Without Parole: A Kate Conway Mystery by Clare O'Donohue

Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown

2011 Daily Calendar: Worst-Case Scenario from Quirk Books

The Poison Diaries: Nightshade (The Poison Diaires) by Maryrose Wood (Thank you Heather at Buried in Books and Balzer & Bray!)

What would you read first?
Leave us a link to your IMM, we'd love to drool over your reads!

Thanks to Quirk Books, Balzer & Bray, Penguin, Plume, Viking Adult, Bloomsbury, Fusion Integrated, Philomel, Delacorte for Young Readers, authors, and bloggers for this weeks books!


  1. I can't wait for Lies Beneath!! Love all the mermaid books coming out! I read the first few pages of Scarlet when I got it from Netgalley--- love the writing style!


  2. Scarlet sounds amazing, I'm so jealous that you have it! Some of those I haven't heard of, but I definitely need to look them up.
    Happy reading!
    Check out my IMM!

  3. OOh nice! Haven't read any of these but hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Great IMM! I can not wait to read Scarlet! I'm eagerly awaiting it's release.

  5. All your books look awesome and the books I won from you arrived this week. Oh so excited not only signed but personalized. It made me super giddy :)

  6. You've got some interesting covers this week. I've heard a bit about Scarlet; thinking maybe I should look into it more.
    My IMM

  7. I need to read Scarlet this week - it looks really good!

    My IMM Post

  8. love the new bannr
    seems a lot of ppl got lies beneath

    a vid book lovers will love
    The JOY of books

  9. Scarlet looks good. =) I hope you enjoy!

  10. Very nice haul. Good selection of books. Been hearing mixed reviews about Scarlett. Come visit me as well.

  11. Great books, I think Lies Beneath looks great. I hope you enjoy them all this week.

    Check out my giveaway and my IMM here.

    Emma @ Lost in a YA Book

  12. I think everyone got awesome stuff on Net Galley this week. Enjoy!


  13. Great set! I want to read Lies Beneath.The Poison Diaries looks great.
    My IMM

  14. Lies Beneath sounds really good. I got it from NetGalley too. Hope you'll enjoy it!
    My IMM
    A Beautiful Madness

  15. Ooh Lies Beneath? I've been seeing that everywhere! I haven't read any mermaid books, but that one sounds like a great start!

    Giselle @
    In My Mailbox

  16. I loved Nightshade if you've read the first book.
    A very quick, dark, Gothic read.

    I'm also dying to read Lies Beneath! I've got that one, too.

    And Revealing Eden(Saving the Pearls) looks really interesting. Did you go to the website?

    Great mailbox!

  17. I've just started Revealing Eden this week - quite good so far.

    Great books, enjoy!

    My IMM @ The Aussie Zombie

  18. Awesome IMM this week!! have a great week

  19. Yay for Lies Beneath! I can't wait to read it. And Poison Diaries sounds good too!

    Xpresso Reads

  20. Revealing Eden was pretty good I have a review of it on my blog , and I received Lies Beneath as well .. excited to read it . Love the look of your blog. I'm a new follower here is my IMM if you wanna follow back

  21. I really like the cover on Lies Beneath. I hope you enjoy that and everything else you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  22. I've been pining for The Poison Diaries for ages. Enjoy everything!

    Shorskie's IMM


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