Sunday, October 30, 2011

In My Mailbox (59)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme run by The Story Siren which explores the books that have been delivered to our mailbox. Let us know what looks good to you and leave us a link so we can check out what you got over the week.

For Review
The Name of the Star (Shades of London)by Maureen Johnson

Ingenue (The Flappers) by Jillian Larkin

Half-Past Dawn: A Thriller by Richard Doetsch

Eyes to See (The Jeremiah Hunt Chronicle)  by Joseph Nassise

Laddertop, Volume 1 by Orson Scott Card & Emily Janice Card

Red Wine by A.L. Kay, M.R. Murphy, Jordan River

After Obsession by Carrie Jones & Steven E. Wedel (Thanks So Many Books So Little Time)

Triangles: A Novel by Ellen Hopkins (Thanks Atria)

Cold Magic (The Spiritwalker Trilogy) by Kate Elliott

Matched (Matched (Paperback - Trilogy)) by Ally Condie

Married with Zombies (Living with the Dead, Book 1) by Jesse Petersen

Clarity (Clarity Novel)by Kim Harrington

Firelight by Sophie Jordan

The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting

What would you read first? 
Leave us a link to your IMM, we'd love to drool over your reads!


  1. Great mailbox! I look forward to reading Triangles. Name of the Star is fantastic. Looking forward to your reviews!

    Xpresso Reads

  2. Wow! You won a lot of books! Have read Firelight and the Body Finder, both were really good! Love TBF! Still have After Obsession in my TBR pile and have the Name of the Star on my bday list! Happy Reading!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. This is a huge mailbox, congrats! I'm really curious about Cold Magic. I've heard such great things about that series.

    Thank you for adding our Historical Fantasy Jubilee button to your sidebar! I hope you enjoy the event :)

  4. Love all your review books. Great mailbox :)

  5. Wow, what a mailbox! There is quite a few books I haven't seen before. Thank you for visiting mine.

    In my Mailbox

  6. Name of the Star and After Obsession. YES!!!

  7. Wow! Great haul! I can't wait to read The Name of the Star.

    Thanks for stopping by Project to be Read!
    Have an awesome weekend :)

  8. "Matched" is a really good book. It's in my Reading Tips and I featured in sequel in my WoW post last Wednesday. I hope you enjoy it! :)

    Anne (from Living in a Fairy World)

  9. You got so many books this week. I hope you enjoy those books. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. Wow! So many books!! I really loved the Body Finder, but The Name of the Star was really Great!
    Clarity was good. I haven't read the others but there are a lot that look really good! Have fun!


  11. Dude!! AWESOME IMM! I LOOVE half those books and DYING to read the other half!

  12. Bookish Brunette said it lol! can't wait for your reviews!

    happy reading!

  13. Great IMM. You got Ingenue! I'm so jealous. I've been waiting and wanting to read it ever since I read Vixen. You lucky duck.

    Happy Readings,

  14. Really great haul. :) Really want to read quite a few of those.

    Here is my IMM for this week: IMM(5)

  15. Hello! nice to meet you =D
    you got an amazing haul!!! I would recommend you to read first The Boody FInder!!! OMG!! it is so amazngly awesome!! go for it go for it!! =D
    have a great week!

  16. Lucky! You got so many books this week!! I hope you enjoy them all! Come check out my IMM!!


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