Tuesday, August 23, 2011

900 Follower Giveaway!

Whoa, I missed when we hit 900 followers!  Sounds like it's time to have a "followers" appreciation giveaway! We are going to have 3 winners.  1st place gets their choice of 3 books from the list below.  2nd place will then choose 2 books from what's left.  1st place will then choose 1 book from what's left.  Hmmm...so close to 950 followers already, what should we do???  Well, if we hit 950, another person will win a choice of 1 book, if we hit 1000 followers we'll add on another winner!
*UPDATE:  We hit 950 followers, so now we will have 4 WINNERS! 
*UPDATE: (9/8/11)  We passed 1000 followers, so now we have a total of 5 WINNERS!

You must be a follower to enter, so if you aren't already you can click here to FOLLOW.

Here are the book choices and links so you can check them out and see what you'd like to win.
ContagionDanger & Diamonds (Mystery at Sea)Full Frontal Nudity: The Making of an Accidental ActorThe Hunt of the UnicornThe Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire SlayerThe MistWe Are Not Eaten by Yaks: An Accidental AdventureMe and Bobby McGeeRavenwildJamrach's Menagerie: A NovelTruth & Dare: 20 Tales of Heartbreak and HappinessThe Not-So-Great Depression

Contagion by Joanne Dahme (paperback) (Claimed: 2nd Place Winner: Lieder Madchen)
Danger & Diamonds (Mystery at Sea) by Elizabeth Levy (autographed hardcover)
Full Frontal Nudity: The Making of an Accidental Actor by Harry Hamlin (hardcover) (Claimed: 5th  Place Winner: Juana E.)
The Hunt of the Unicorn by C. C. Humphreys (hardcover) (Claimed: 1st Place Winner: Christine H.)
The Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer by Lucy Weston (paperback) (Claimed: 4th Place Winner: Leigh Ann G.)
Me and Bobby McGee by Chad Coenson (paperback) (Claimed: 3rd Place Winner: Amy S.)
Ravenwild by Peter Plasse and Michael Longenecker (paperback) (Claimed: 1st Place Winner: Christine H.)
Jamrach's Menagerie: A Novel by Carol Birch (ARC paperback)
Truth & Dare: 20 Tales of Heartbreak and Happiness from Running Press Kids (paperback) (Claimed: 1st Place Winner: Christine H.)
The Mist by Carla Neggers (autographed paperback) (Claimed: 2nd Place Winner: Lieder Madchen)
Who Are You Calling Grandma? by Maridel Bowes M.A. (paperback)
The Not-So-Great Depression by Amy Goldman Koss (ARC paperback)
We Are Not Eaten by Yaks: An Accidental Adventure by C. Alexander London (ARC paperback)

This contest is now closed.
1st Place Winner: Christine H.
2nd Place Winner: Lieder Madchen
3rd Place Winner: Amy S.
4th Place Winner: Leigh Ann G.
5th Place Winner: Juana E.


  1. Congrats on over 900 followers :). WOOHOO!


  2. Congrats on the followers!!! Thanks for the giveaway as well!

  3. Thanks guys. Up to 950 now so we've added another winner!!


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.
