Sunday, July 17, 2011

In My Mailbox (48)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme run by The Story Siren which explores the books that have been delivered to our mailbox. Let us know what looks good to you and leave us a link so we can check out what you got over the week.

For Review
A Beautiful Dark A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies

Zone One: A Novel Zone One: A Novel by Colson Whitehead

Legend Legend by Marie Lu

The Rafters: Book 1 of the Somnambulist SagaThe Rafters: Book 1 of the Somnambulist Saga by AC Montgomery

Any of these on your TBR list?  Leave us a link to your IMM, we'd love to drool over your reads!


  1. Ooh interesting books! Haven't heard of a few of them, but hope you enjoy all of them!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Great mailbox! I can't wait to read A Beautiful Dark! Enjoy!

  3. I can't wait until LEGEND is out... it sounds so good! I really hope you enjoy it.

    <a href=">Here's my blog.</a>

  4. A beautiful dark looks good. Enjoy!

  5. I got Legend too! I can't wait to start it!!!

  6. Great IMM! I am in agreement with most here that I can't wait for Legend!!! Definitely want to hear your thoughts=)

    Happy Reading!

  7. I love the Beautiful Dark cover, I hope to see what you think about it.

  8. A Beautiful Dark looks like a really good book! Nice mailbox this week and I hope you enjoy all you got! Here's My IMM if you want to check it out! Happy reading!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  9. oOo, I love the cover for Zone One! thanks for stopping by my post!

  10. Oh I've heard awesome things bout A beautiful dark!!! Cant wait to read it!!! Hope you enjoy!!!

    My IMM:


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