Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (54): Hellblazer City of Demons

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

John Constantine: Hellblazer - City of DemonsJohn Constantine: Hellblazer - City of Demons by Si Spencer and Sean Murphy due out May 24, 2011 from Vertigo.

Book Description
A new adventure starring Vertigo’s longest running antihero, John Constantine, England’s chain-smoking, low-rent magus, featuring artwork by Sean Murphy, illustrator of JOE THE BARBARIAN. When John Constantine is run over by a truck, it takes a little while for England’s nicotine-fueled magus to realize that he’s perched between life and death. After a few weeks of hospital rehab, Constantine finds the London streets very different from when he left them behind as a series of occult murders and mutilations demands his attention. The common denominator points back to the ER where Constantine was admitted.

---Want to participate? Grab the logo, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave a link in the comments section!


  1. Ohhh, this book sounds interesting! I'll have to add it to my ever growing list!

  2. Oh, this one sounds exciting! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. ooh, the ER? That's intense! Hope you enjoy!

  4. Constantine---Sigh! I need to get back to that series!
    Thanks for reminding me how much I love that series. I run a YA blog so it seems like I've let a lot of my favs kind of go to the wayside!

    I'm glad I stopped by, Fab WOW choice!

    Here's my WOW: Kristi-The Book Faery's WOW

  5. Sounds pretty interesting! Love the title name!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  6. Looks good. Happy reading!

    You can find my WOW at The Bookish Snob


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