Sunday, January 9, 2011

In My Mailbox (30)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme run by The Story Siren which explores the books that have been delivered to our mailbox.

For Review
The RenderingThe Rendering by Joel Naftali

The Poison Tree: A NovelThe Poison Tree: A Novel by Erin Kelly

Death Cloud (Young Sherlock Holmes)Death Cloud (Young Sherlock Holmes) by Andrew Lane

My Favorite Band Does Not ExistMy Favorite Band Does Not Exist by Robert T. Jeschonek

The Girl Who Became a BeatleThe Girl Who Became a Beatle by Greg Taylor


Deadly Little Games: A Touch NovelDeadly Little Games: A Touch Novel by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Received as Gifts

The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and The StruggleThe Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and The Struggle by L.J. Smith

Suzanne Collins'sThe Hunger Games (Hardcover)(2008)Suzanne Collins'sThe Hunger Games (Hardcover)(2008) by Suzanne Collins

BlacksadBlacksad by Juan Diaz Canales, Juanjo Guarnido

The Last Days of American Crime (Volume 1 TPB)The Last Days of American Crime (Volume 1 TPB) by Rick Remender

Won - from Penguin - Their ComicCon giftbag.

See anything you like?  Leave us a comment and a link to your books so we can drool over your haul!


  1. Great haul there, I'm definitely interested to see what you think about Deadly Little Games, I've been thinking about getting that one myself :) I hope you enjoy all of your books!

  2. Kelly - just finished reading it last night - it's just as good as the first two in the I can't wait for the next one!

  3. Wow, great list of books. I hope you enjoy them all! Deadly Little Girls looks interesting.

  4. I'm in love with the Penguin gift bag. I'm more than a little jealous! :P The Hunger Games was just awesome and I hope you like it! Happy Reading!

  5. I see deadly little games all over. Never really looked into that series, but I think I will now. :0)

  6. You made a huge haul this week with some awesome titles. I really need to read a Young Sherlock Holmes book, I think I would really like them. Have a great week!


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